How to use QRaccess app?

In addition to following these instructions, you can watch the QRaccess app video tutorials in which we show the instructions for use graphically with examples.


  • QRaccess APP login with email and password. 

  • After entering with the email/password information provided by ABARCANDO, click on the (+) symbol in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • Fill in the name, place and date fields of the event.

  • Select the group of attendees you want to use from those you have created/imported in the web panel.

  • Specify whether you want to post only entries or whether you want to record entries and exits.


  • You should activate notifications in the event entry control for when attempts are made to register repeated entries with the same QR code.

  • Additionally, you could control and receive an alert when trying to register an exit without a previous entry.

  • At last, you should select "contious reading" to improve QR reading speed without clicking on ENTER.

There is no limit on creating events in the application, you may create as many as you want, using N times the attendee groups already existing in the web panel.

FIHISH: Click on "CREATE EVENT" and "ACCEPT". This process may take seconds or a few minutes depending on the size of the group of attendees and the speed of your Internet connection.


  • Before scanning a QR code, you must select which event you want to use among those you have created in the app.

  • To do this, click on the name or the white area to the right of the event you want to use and then the "SELECT" button.

  • The selected event will be displayed with a "V" at the end of the name.


  • Click on the top tab named "QR READER".

  • Use your mobile phone to focus on one of the images of the QR codes that have been generated in the web panel.

  • The mobile/smartphone/tablet will show if it is a valid/recognized/registered contact and will allow you to register your entry/exit or cancel the action.

  • If you have problems scanning the QR code, try cleaning the lens of your phone/tablet with a cloth (if it has some dirt or if it is foggy). You can also activate the flash light in the upper right corner, the lightning bolt icon, if the problem reading QR codes is brightness.


  • You must select the "EVENTS" tab and click on the corresponding event icon on the dotted graph (positioned to the left of the trash can).

  • The summary of the event statistics will be displayed.

  • At the bottom you can "SEARCH FOR ASSISTANT" from the value of any of its imported fields.

  • Type the search value and click on the magnifying glass. Then click on the desired attendee to display the record of their recorded entry and exit actions.

  • You could also "SEND STATISTICS TO THE WEB PLATFORM" to be able to register and download them from the web panel.


  • Select the "EVENTS" tab and click on the icon of the event you want to share (on the far left, three dots joined by two lines).

  • The Android system will ask you to choose the email program you want to use to send the email with the statistics, fopr example (Android standard, GMail mobile application, etc.). The mobile/smartphone must be configured to be able to send emails.

  • An email will be created with an attached file that contains the statistics.

  • The email sending action must be confirmed.

How to use QRACCESS control WEB panel?


  • First of all, you must access the website with the data that ABARCANDO has provided you.

  • If you do not have an account to use QRaccess, you could request one here.

  • IMPORT MENU: this menu is used to create a group from a CSV file (Excel with that text format).

  • We choose a name for the group of attendees, for example: “group” or the name that is related to your event.

  • EXCEL ASSISTANTS FILE: Inside the file there is a first row of titles or header with the names of each field and then a row for each user who will have access with QR.

  • These Excel fields are customizable for each use case of the Abarcando access control system, you should use your own fields of interest that you want to control and display in QRacceso APP.

  • Each data is separated in the CSV format taken from Excel by clicking on save as and choosing the "CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv)" format. In reality, although it has that name "separated by commas", that way of recording, for the tested versions of Excel, is saved with "semicolon" as a separator, for example: telephone; e-mail; name; row; seat